Below the Waterline: Growing Mature Disciples - Good Samaritan
What does it mean to be grownup as a Christian? To be a mature disciple?
Luke 10:25-37
“How much am I like Christ?”
As a child, I can remember thinking about how good it would be when I was grown up like my big sisters. Grownups had money, could drive, make their own decisions, and go where they wanted. How little did I know! Now sometimes I long to be a child for a day and escape responsibility and decision making.
But what does it mean to be grownup as a Christian? To be a mature disciple? I wonder what things you might look for? Maybe knowledge of Scripture? Maybe years at church? How many ministries you have been involved in or how long? How many people you have brought to Christ? How long each day you spend in bible study and prayer? These external things might be an indicator, but I believe the biggest sign is “How much am I like Christ?”
The Good Samaritan Story reminds me of this. An expert in the law wanted to know how he could inherit eternal life. To be part of God’s family. For him it would have been about keeping the law and rituals of Judaism. He knew his Scriptures when asked about the law:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” and “love your neighbour as yourself” (Luke 10:27).
Jesus’ challenge was to live it out and told the Good Samaritan story. The Samaritan was the one who showed Christ out of his deepest being. The externals must match the internals. Our hearts transformed by the ongoing love of God, the Word and the Spirit flow out into love for God and others.
So let God mature you from the inside out. Surrender to him and it will bring blessing to you and others across generations.
God bless
Pastor Stephen