Ps Stephen
Below the Waterline: Growing Mature Disciples - Intentional Growth
What about our spiritual growth—are we motivated and intentional in growing with God?
Acts 2:42-47
Set a rhythm and over time it will begin to yield fruit
I first picked up a guitar when I was in Grade 9. I had a number of friends who were learning and they would often bring their guitars to school. I had become a Christian in Grade 9 and was introduced to Christian songs so I was excited to learn how to play them and express my love for Jesus. I would practice regularly on my sisters nylon string guitar until I could afford my own steel string second hand guitar. A few of my friends were quite good so they would teach me new chords and techniques. I was intentional—wanting to improve through learning and practice.
What about our spiritual growth—are we motivated and intentional in growing with God? Acts 2 gives us a snapshot of God’s people being intentional about living for Christ.
• They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
• Filled with awe at the signs and wonders of God
• Had everything in common so they gave sacrificially and generously to those in need
• Showed hospitality by sharing meals, fellowship and praising God together.
This resulted in people being favourable to them and because of their obedience and faith, God added to their number.
What intentional plans are you putting into place with God to grow? Maybe regular time in the Word and prayer. Regular time in listening and silence with God. Regular time with God’s people. Regular giving and acts of generosity. Regular time with family and friends to enjoy the blessings of those God has given you. On a scale of 1 to 10, how intentional are you?
Ask God to give you one thing to start with this week. One thing you can engage with God intentionally. Set a rhythm and over time it will begin to yield fruit, just as my guitar playing grew over time. The rewards are a closer, deeper, and transforming relationship with Jesus and your witness in the world.
God bless
Pastor Stephen