Ps Andy
Tell a Good Story
Everyone loves a good story. Jesus made extensive use of stories, parables, to teach lessons.
Acts 26:9-18; 28
Good stories don’t always have to be happy ones, in fact, it is often the tough stories that have the most impact.
As a grandfather I love it when a grandchild comes up to me with a book and asks, “Read me a story Pa?” Then they snuggle into me as I read. Seth was a bit different. When he went through his policeman phase we would go into the backyard and I would have to make up a police story. No idea where it came from in the recesses of my mind, but in our play jail there was a duck that would peck the prisoner’s belly button. Hey, I was thinking on the run.
Everyone loves a good story. Tribal cultures tell stories to pass on the collective wisdom of the tribe. Jesus made extensive use of stories, parables, to teach lessons. New Tribes Mission uses the story of the whole Bible to share the Gospel. Story telling remains a very effective tool to share the Good News of Jesus.
In recent times I have been called upon to share my journey with Julie and dementia. Most recently at Murgon. It is a story that has God’s fingerprints all over it. A number of times now I have used my story when preaching on Psalm 88. It always has an impact, not because of my oratory skills, but because God has been using a raw and painful journey for his glory. Good stories don’t always have to be happy ones, in fact, it is often the tough stories that have the most impact.
To share Jesus through your story you don’t need to be a theologian. Remember the episode of the man born blind? His greatest impact was when he answered the Pharisees, “Whether he is a sinner or not I don’t know, but this I know, once I was blind but now I see!”
Pastor Andy