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  • Writer's picturePs Andy

Engaging with the World

For the Christian, being salt, light, and witnesses should be a given. We should leave the fragrance of Christ behind as we engage with the world.

The most effective witness is born in relationship.

Last week Pastor Stephen shared the part of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus states that we are salt and light in the world. These weren’t commands, just statements of fact. In a similar way Jesus stated in Acts 1 that we will be his witnesses. For the Christian, being salt, light, and witnesses should be a given. We should leave the fragrance of Christ behind as we engage with the world. Or using the patchwork quilt analogy, we should leave pieces of cloth behind for God to use.

Here at SHBC we are part of this witness in many places. We are witnesses as we go about our normal day-to-day activities. We are witnesses to school children through the chaplains we support and our RI teachers. We are witnesses through the cross-cultural workers we support.

We proclaim the good news of Jesus through word and deed. The good news is good for the whole person: body, mind, and soul. It is about God’s will being done on earth as in heaven. Most cross-cultural workers cannot receive visas as missionaries. Most countries will only give visas to people who can offer a skill that helps the people. This is a good thing!

So, where is the gospel in this? Well, it is actually in the same place as it is in Australia. The most effective witness is born in relationship. As a relationship grows then people share all sorts of beliefs and opinions. As trust is built then people know it is safe to share without fear.

May God bless you as you build relationships and share the fragrance of Christ.

Pastor Andy

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